Page 434 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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Index                             429

       braiding                             caving (cont.)
           algorithms, 279, 281, 286           single rope technique, 169
           bights, 281                         Societies, 151
           coding, 281                      Cayley, A., 221
           general theory, 280              Celtic geometry, 210
           grid diagram, 281                   knots, 210
           mathematical techniques, 279        weaves, 270
           parts, 281                       Ch'ing Dynasty, 104
           processes, 263                   chain stitches, 318
           Schaake's philosophy, 281        chair knot, 157
           Schaake's theory, 281            Chaucer, lace reseau, 354
           string runs, 281                 chemical reactions, 32
           theory, 263                      Chern Simons actions, 250
       braiding algorithm, 286              Chieh
           example, 283                        Niu-ko, 104
           proofs, 288                         Ping, 104
       breaking strength, 183-201              Shuang-ch'ien, 104
       bric-a-brac, 341                     Chinese court life, 104
       Briggs, G. B., 228                   Chinese knotwork
       bronze, 33                              characteristics, 90
       brooches, 32                            development, 91
       Bruno, H., 241                       chip, 72
       Burau Matrix, 241                    christening gown, 371
       Burau, W., 241                       chroniclers, 73, 79
       Button Knot, Niu-k'ou Chieh, 95      Chuang-tzu, 90
       buttonhole stitches, 348             church laces, 365
       BWM algebras, 248                    churching shawls, 372
                                            cingulum, 401
       cabling, 248                         Cizco, 73
       caduceus, 400                        classification, Inuit knots, 114
       canoe, 14                               by applications, 114
       canvas work, 347                        by materials, 114
       cap of maintenance, 385                 by structure, 114
       capsizing, 27, 199                   cliff climbing, 149
       capsizing a knot, 199                climbing, 152, 166
        Cardinal Mazarin, 361                  classic abseil, 155
        Carrick-ma-cross, 373                  friction braking, 155
        Cathay, 353                            Gerard E., 160
        cave, Chou-k' ou-tien, 89              guided, 150
        caving, 149, 150, 154, 160, 166, 197   harnesses, 160, 163
           E. Martel, 151                      knots, 160
           Mammoth Cave, USA, 151              manuals, 153
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