Page 433 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 433
428 History and Science of Knots
Arctic, 107 Belay Plate, 174
Arctic knot history, 112 belay system, 173
armigers, 383 bell-pulls, 342
armlets, 20 beltplates, 32
arms bend, 268
achievement of, 383 bends, 19, 27, 192
City of Dundee, 389 Berenike, 53
Gonville and Caius, 389 Berlin wool work, 376
lozenge, 393 Berlinwork, 340
of clergy, 389 Betrothal Knot, 405
of Ladies, 393 Betrothal Knots, 398, 403
Arms and Orders, 401 Betti numbers, 228
arrow shafts, 34 Bible
art needlework, 340 King James, 353
artifact, Warring States, 94 New English, 353
Artin, E., 232, 239, 263 bight radii, 193
artistic creativity, 328 Birman, J., 234, 242
Ascher, M., 74 Black Sea, 6
Ascher, R., 74 blazon, 383
Ashley Book of Knots, 271 Boas Bowline, 128
Ashley, C. W., 272, 279 bobbin lace, 350, 357
Assyria, 335 bobbinet machine, 372
astronomy, 71 bobbins, Huguenots, 358
Athenogoras, 400 Boeddicker, 0., 212
Australia, 5, 13 bogs, 32, 39
Australian Aborigines, 149 bonnets, 341
badges, Savoy Knot, 390 and Half Hitch, 154
baleen net knot, 113 on Bight, 167
Ballad of El Cid, 353 bracket polynomial, 238, 246
bark, 31 braid
Baroness d'Asti, 339 group, 232, 239
base ten positional system, 72, 87 machine woven, 348
basket, plaited, 62 monoid, 252
basketry, 32, 67 null, 240
baskets, 56 relators, 240
Baume Latrone, 14 Riemann manifolds, 219
Baxter, R., 248 theory, 239
beads, 91 braided
behaviour of knots, 181 belts, 335
beknottedness, 315 bracelets, 335
belay devices, 201 rope, 200