Page 437 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 437
432 History and Science of Knots
Eskimo fringed rug, 338 fox teeth, perforated, 11
Eskimo knots, 107 Fox, R. H., 229, 234
Euler characteristic, 225 differential calculus, 234
evolution tree, 286 Franciscan oath knots, 401
Regular Knot Tree, 291 Franciscus of Assisi, 401
extension rate, 183 French lace, 362
eyesplice, 138 friction hitches, 160, 169, 170, 198,
fabrics frictional binding, 182
class distinctions, 357 frictional pressure, 193
Faddeev, L. D., 249 Friendship Knots, 398
fall factor f, 196 Friendship knots, 401
fall test, UIAA, 197 fringed saddles, 354
Faroese line fishery, 144 Fu-hsi, 90
fibre knotting, 140 fundamental group, 228
fibre rope, 182 of 3-manifold, 225
fibres, 31 of a complex, 224
fichus, 362
Figure Eight Loop on Bight, 157 garbage dump, 37
figurine, fired clay, 12 garbage dump, Fynen, 37
filet-de-Carnassiere, 336 Garcilasso de la Vega, 73, 79
filet-lacis, 358, 370, 371 Garside, F. A., 242
filet-work, 353 Gauss'
fingertip method, 139 knot sketches, 211
fish traps, 56 notebooks, 262
fish-catching methods, 142 winding number equation, 212
fish-net, early Mesolithic, 40 Gauss, C. F., 211, 262
fisherman, 140 generalized Jones invariants, 250
fishermen's knots, 137 Genoa, 336, 353
fishing George III, 337
frictional problems, 143 gimp, 350
industrial, 145 girdle, lace, 354
line, 37 Good Luck Knot
fishing-nets, 35, 353 Chi-hsiang Chieh, 97
Flat Knot, P'ing Chieh, 96 Gordian Knot, 399
flax cord, 192 Gordian number, 222, 225
Flemish lace-makers, 337 Granny Knot, 393
Flemish linen, 356 Grant, B., 272
Flowerers, 372 grid diagram, 277, 280-282
flowing hitches, 198 analysis, 286
flypes, 200 Gaucho Fiador Knot, 288
flyping, 223 isometric graph paper, 281