Page 442 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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Index                             437

        Knot (cont.)                        knot diagram
           Tucked Girth Hitch, 165             amphitypical region, 214
           Tumbling Thief, 303, 307            monotypical region, 214
           Turk's Head, 282, 287            knot materials
           Twisted Hitch, 172                  baleen, 114
           Wake, 385                           grass, 116
           Wale, 140                           sinew, 115
           Water, 201                          thong, 116
           Weaver's, 301                    knot strength, 185, 187
           Whatnot, 303                        relative, 185
           Wheel, 280                       knot strength `laws', 193
           Yippee aYe, 303                  knot strength efficiency, 185
           Zeppelin, 303                    knot theories, 205, 261-294
       knot                                    Alexander's influence, 228
           badge, 390                          and chemistry, 219
           complement group, 225               applications, 207
           complement, oriented, 229           braids, 207
           decorative, 181                     chronology, 207
           definition, 205                     Dehn presentation, 226
           efficiencies, 190                   early days, 207
           encyclopedias, 270                  Max Dehn's work, 226
           equivalences, 262                   Schaake's braiding theory, 280
           failures, 182                       the future?, 252
           forms, 4-crossing, 278              topological, 315
           functions, 273                      vortices, 219
           group, 230                       knot theory/braid theory, 241
           in sea mammal hide, 118          Knots
           invariants, 214                     China, 90
           lore, 263                           Japan, 90
           mathematical definition, 234        Korea, 90
           multi-stranded, 181              knots
           problem, the, 223                   4th century, 44
           projection, 22                      ancient drawings, 209
           Quechua word, 74                    Ancient Egyptian, 43
           reference point, 23                 and swamps, 31
           Science, 263                        archaeological excavations, 44
           security, 199                       archaeologist's view, 31
           single-stranded, 181                as badges, 390
           space, 251                          as rope problems, 109
           strength testing, 197               at sea, 135-146
           tangle, 235                         basic classification, 268
       Knot class, characterizing of, 290      betrothal, 398
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