Page 445 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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440                     History and Science of Knots

          lace (cont.)                         leather, 31
             opus filatorium, 356                 clothing, 34
             pattern book, 359                    quiver , 34
              Pharoahs, 347                    Leibnitz' Characteristica Geometrica,
              Queen Adelaide, 372                    210
              Queen Mary Tudor, 357            Leno weaves, 347
              reticella, 357                   Levant, 6
              Ruskin, 374                      Lickorish, W. B. R., 250
              shuttle, 351                     Lie algebra, 251
              smuggling, 363, 369              Life Support Knots, 149
              sols, Portugal, 374              linen-fabric, 35
              Spanish mantillas, 369           lines
              sumptuary edicts, 360               gut or nylon, 194
              tape, Battenburgs, 376              nylon monofilament, 190
              The Low Countries, 363           Linnaeus, 267
              tombs, 347                       Linnaeus, C., 269
              Torchon, 357                     Listing's Complexions-Symbol, 213
              Twelfth Night, 357               Listing, J. B., 213
              V. & A. Museum, 364                 polynomial pairs, 215
              Valenciennes, 363                Little, C. N., 222, 237
              Venetian, 360, 362               load/elongation, 182
              William and Mary, 365            load/elongation curve, 184, 199
              Youghal, 373                     loading rate, 183
          Lace College, Le Puy, 356            Locke, Leland L., 73
          lace design                          locking security, 143
              Foillet, 358                     London textile trade, C17th, 360
              Pagan, 358                       long knots, 78
              Vavasore, 358                    Loop
              Vinciolo, 358                       Double Overhand, 166
              Zoppono, 358                        Figure Eight, 166
          Lace Guild, 377                         Figure Nine, 166
          lace pattern search system, 329         Grapevine, 166
          lace-making, 336, 357                loops, 27, 54, 59, 192
          lacis (filet), 357                   loose knot, 198
          ladders, 150                         Love Knots, 398, 403
          laeotropy, 213                       Lower Palaeolithic, 4
           lake settlements, 39
           lampshades, 342                     macrame, 91, 335-344, 348, 351, 354,
           lashing, 19, 39, 181                       370
           lassos, 14                              1960s to 1970s, 343
           Law of the Common Divisor, 279         art snobs, 344
           leafsheath fibre, 56                   Cavandoli work, 343
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