Page 446 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 446
Index 441
macrame (cont.) Mc Namara's Lace, 342
First World War, 342 mechanism of knot action, 193
fringed tunic, 335 Menasco, W., 225
hobby, 343 Mercury, 400
Merchant Navy, 342 Mesolithic period, 33
name, 339 Mexican lace, 338
panels, 337 migramah, 336
pinnacle, 342 Modern Apes, 5
room divider, 344 Modern humankind, 10
Second World War, 343 Moebius braids, 222
sailor's art, 342 Moebius, A. F., 218
sailors, 341 mohair yarn, 199
square knotting, 343 monofilament lines, 182
Turin School, 343 monofilament nylon fishing line, 200
Victorian Navy, 342 Moorish invasion, 336
Macrami, 339 Morris, W., 376
Macri, river, 339 mountain climbing, 149
Macrobius, 400 mountaineering, 150, 162
Madiera openwork, 373 mechanical ascender, 169
Magdalenian art, 13 recreational, 150
magic knots, 397 Mousterian tools, 9
Maglemose period, 38 Murakami, J., 248
main cord, 77 mythology, Chinese, 89
makrama, 336
Mandeville, D., 301-315 Napoleonic Wars, 341
manila fibre, 162 natural fibres, 195, 200
manila rope, 200 natural-fibre ropes, 183
manteau, 362 nautical miles, 72
manure, 35 Neanderthals, 9
Map of Bends, 312, 313 necklaces, 20
Mapping the Bends, 311 needle-binding, 37
Marco Polo, C13th, 354 needle-lace, 351, 368, 376
mariner, 135 needle-point, 347
mariner's logline, 72 needlework, 336
Mariners, 111 Neolithic period, 33, 35
Markov moves, 241 Neolithic handlejar, 37
Markov, A. A., 241 net making, 146, 348
marriages, top-knots, 405 net floats, 40
Martin Luther, 356 Neuwirth, L., 234
materials for quipus, 75 New Ireland, 14
materials, saturated, 32 New Mexico, 71
mathematical models, 264 New World, 338