Page 447 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 447
442 History and Science of Knots
nightdress cases, 341 papyrus, 48
nip, 193 parcelling, 138
main, 194 Paris Exhibition, 339
nooses, 192 Partition-Method, 222
Nordenskiold, E., 74, 81 pattern books, 347, 358
Norwegian openwork, 369 pendant cords, 77, 79, 82
nowed serpents, 385 pendants, 83
Nu-wa, 89 peripheral system, 229
number system, Zuni, 72 Peru, 74
number tree, 286 Peruvian Incas, 71
number zero Peruvian quipus, 71
Incas, 79 `The Secret of', 74
Mayas, 79 Picchetti, Maria, 339
Nuns, needlewomen, 337 Picinellus, 401
nylon rope, 182 picots, 350
Pilgrim Fathers, 361
Ocneanu, A., 247 pin money, 354
One knot-one object systems, 72 pincushions, 341
Order Pizarro, F., 73
Annunciation of our Lady, 395 plait patterns, 48
Company of the Knot, 395 plaited mat, 61
Crown of Italy, 395 plaited sandal, 63
French, of St Michael, 395 plaiting, 56, 59
Netherland, of the Lion, 395 datepalm, 59
of the Bath, 395 plant-fibre, 37
of the British Empire, 395 Pleistocene knotting, 3
of the Collar, 395 Plinius Secundus, 399
of the Garter, 394 Poincare, H., 224
of the Sword, 395 Point de France, 362
oriented crossings, 214 Poland, 10
Orvieto lace crochet, 373 polynomial
Osiris and Isis, 65 Alexander's, 230, 238
overhand knots, ZS notation, 49 Bracket, 238
Conway's, 236
paint brush, 51 Homfly, 244
Paisley Shawls, 371 Homfly-PT, 244
Paisley weavers, 371 Jones', 243
paleolithic period, 89 Kauffman's, 245
Paleolithic, Upper, 10 Thomflyp, 244
pallae, 354 Turner's, 238
Palliser, Mrs Bury, 339 positive link, 242
palm fibre, 54 positive word, 242