Page 448 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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Index                             443

        potential function, 236             quipus (cont.)
        pottery, 35                            label code, 81
        primitive cordage, 335                 Locations of finds, 75
        proximal direction, 23                 main cord, 76
        prusik hitches, 160                    materials, 75
        prusiking, 169                         multiplication, 83
        psychic phenomena, 218                 museums, 74, 87
        punto a gruppo, 336, 339               non-numerical data, 80
        punto gruppo, 354                      number system, 73
        punto in aria, 358                     number zero, 79
        punto tagliato, 357                    numbers, 71
        purling-pin, 351                       overhand knot, 72
        Pythagoras' equation, 280              overhand knots, 78
        Pythagorean triples, 280               pendant cords, 76
                                               Sapa Inca, 74
        Qasr Ibrim, 59                         spacial layout, 76
        Qeqertasussuk knots, 117               spacing, 78
       quantum groups, 250                     structure and design, 75
       quantum invariants, 250                 sums, 77
        Queen Charlotte, 337                   tabulation, 77
       Queen Mary, 337                         top cords, 76
       quipus, 71-87, 208                   QYBE, 250
           Argentina, 74
           arithmetics, 81                  rabbit method, 139
           Aschers' work, 74, 80, 81        rack, 252
           astronomical numbers, 74         rapelling, 155
           astronomical observations, 79    Rappaport, S., 234
           astronomy, 74, 80                rate of elongation, 183
           attaching method, 76             Rawhide and Leather Braiding, 272
           Bolivia, 74                      Reef Knot, 393
           Chile, 74                        regular flat braid, 283
           colour code, 79                     Turk's Head coding, 284
           colouring, 77                       Two Pass Headhunter's coding,
           cosmology, 85                           284
           data stored, 79                  Regular Knots evolution tree, 280
           division, 84                     Reidemeister moves, 233
           division table, 82               Reidemeister, K. W. F., 232, 276
           Ecuador, 74                      reliability of data, 187
           empty digit, 79                  religious themes, 336
           figure eight knot, 78            Renaissance, 336, 339
           fractions, 81                    rescue service, 151
           in graves, 80                    rescue work, 176
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