Page 453 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 453
448 History and Science of Knots
watchguards, 342
waterlogged conditions, 32
Waterloo, 371
weaving, 181
wedding veil, Queen Victoria, 372
Weith, H., 216, 217
Whatknot, 387
wild knot, 235
William of Orange, 337
Willow Leaf, 104
wimples, 354
winches, 150
wolf incisor, 8
wooden float, 37
posts, 43
wooden shaft, 39
word problems, 230
working-end, 278
worming, 138
wreath, Qasr Ibrim, 64
Wren, Christopher, 408
wrestling collar, 387
writhe, 246
Yang, C. N., 248
Yang-Baxter Equation, 248
Z-twisted, 188
Zollner, J. C. F., 217
Zeeman, C., 234
Zufii, 71
Zweifelknoten, 402