Page 452 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 452
Index 447
topological (cont.) Turner, J. C., 237
knot diagrams, 275 Twin Diamonds, 104
knot theory, 205-253, 261 twinning, 237
topology, Listing's name, 213 twist direction, 46
Torchon, 350 twist spectrum, 238
torsion coefficients, 225, 228 tables, 238
trace map, 243 tying
Tramble, 299 against the lay, 188
Basic, 304 presents, 90
Drum, 313, 314 with the lay, 188
Reef-Jinx, 306 Tyrol Ice Man, 33
story, 303
Talisman, 312 Ukraine, 10
Trambling, 299, 315 Umbria, 401
traverse rate, 183 universe, 263
traversing cliff, 181 Upper Palaeolithic, 11
traversing waterfalls, 176
Vadstein, slinging, 144
Treble Love Knot, 410
Valenciennes, 350
tree bast, 38
Vandermonde, A. T., 211, 261
Trefoil Braid diagrams, 281
Vassiliev's invariants, 251
Trefoil Knot,
Vassiliev, V. A., 251
fundamental group, 228
vegetable fibres, 3
oriented, 229
Venetian lace, 373
Trois Freres sorcerer, 13
Venice, 353
trolley laces, 372
Veronese, P., 337
troubadors, 353
Vestal statue, 400
trousseau, Genoese, 339
Victoria and Albert, 337
True Love Knot, 397-411
Victorian era, 339
identity, 398
Viking cordage, 140
Liang, Wu Ti, 6th century, 397
Vikings, 136
Mexican belief, 398
Virgil, 398
Sui Dynasty, 398
von Neumann Algebras, 243
True Lover's Knot
vortex theory of knots, 219
T'ung-hsin Chieh, 94
trulofad, 405 Wadati, M., 247
Tuck-Rambles, 304 Wale knot, 140
tuck-transformations, 299, 313 Walker, L., 341
tucks, 20 Wallace, A. H., 250
random, 22 Wallacean line, 9
Turaev, V., 249 wand of Mercury, 400
Turk's Head Knot, definition, 285 Warner, C., 273
Turner's polynomial, 238 Wassen, H., 74