Page 450 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 450
Index 445
seamanship manuals, 141 Sites (cont.)
security of knots, 199 bogs, 32
Seifert, H., 239 Bokilde Mose, 37
seizings, 138 China, 6
serpent, double-nowed, 388 Cyprus, 352
Seven Sages, 103 Czech Republic, 7
Shaw series, 300, 301 Dejro, Skaarup, 37
Shaw, G. R., 300 Denmark, 14, 35
shawls, 373 Egypt, 32
sheaf of wheat, 385 Etruscan, 352
Sheet Bend, 138, 192 France, 10
sheets, 140 Geldrop, Holland, 13
Shen-nung, 90 Huon Peninsula, 12
Shetland shawls, 352 India, 7
shield, 383 Israel, 7, 11
heraldic knots, 387 Java, 6
ships, types, 140 Kongsted Lyng, 37
shock forces, 195, 197 Lascaux cave, 14
shock load tests, 198 Olduvai Gorge, 6
shoulder harness, 157 Pesse, Netherlands, 14
Shuang-ch'ien motif, 94 Qasr Ibrim, 45
shuttle, 351 Repolusthohle, 8
shuttle, flying, 368 River Nile, 44
Siberia, 10 Sigersdal Mose, 36
Silk Roads, 353 Skjoldnaes, 36
Similian man, 34 Sludegaard Mose, 38
Simony, 0., 218 Sungir', Russia, 11
sinew, 31 Swiss lakes, 35
sinews, 3 Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, 44
sit sling, 157 Tulstrup Mose, 38
Sites Tybrind Vig, 37
Amose, 39 Ulkestrup Lyng, 38
Abu Sha'ar, 45, 56 waterlogged, 32
Achulian, 6 with knots, 36
American Southwest, 32 Yorkshire, 14
ancient Egypt, 44 skein relations, 236, 245
Armana, 48 sliding hitches, 160
Aterian, 9 slings, 20, 161, 168
Austria, 8 use of, 161
Baltic Sea, 40 slip, 199
Berenike, 53, 67 slipping, 199 ,
Bilzingsleben, 7 Carrick Bends, 200