Page 443 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 443
438 History and Science of Knots
knots (cont.) knots (cont.)
binary tree, 237 love, 398
binding, 16, 19, 24 magic, 397
binding, two turns, 26 magic use, 64
books on, 274 many-sided function, 44
Celtic beliefs, 210 Mariners', 137
Celtic scribes, 209 mariners' repertoire, 28
chemical, 266 materials, properties, 114
China, 397 Mexican, 398
classifications, 270 mnemonic, 80
climbing, 160 naming confusion, 269
climbing, book, 154 nautical miles, 72
clove hitch, 39 occupational, 272
composite, 21 on sunshades, 101
concordant, 153 organised knowledge of, 268
costume, 96 overhand, 55
descenders, 173 P'anch'ang, 100
differential calculus, 234 pendants, 99
end loops, 166 prehistoric, 31
Facts and Fallacies, 291 psychic research, 217
failure, 164 quipus, 76, 208
first attempts, 20 reef, 55
fishermen's, 110, 137, 142, 143 Regalia, Knightly Orders, 394
follow-through technique, 166 religious, 64
Franciscan oath, 401 Ruin Island site, 119
friendship, 398 Sailors', 140
furniture ornaments, 98 sailors', 137
gold, Order of Naples, 402 Saqqaq Inuit period, 112
granny, 39 science of, 299
half hitches, 39 Shang and Chou periods, 103
hieroglyphics, 64 sliding loop, 16
hitches, 16 slipped, 143
household ornaments, 101 slipped longliner, 145
Ice Age, 3 speculations, 19
in DNA, 266 stone inscription, 100
in heraldry, 383 stopper, 16, 19
intuitive theory, 208 structural properties, 209
Inuit, 107, 117 superstition, metaphysics, 208
Inuit materials, 111 surgeons', 181
keeping records, 90 the census problem, 220
Lehmann's study, 269 tribal, ethnic, 28
Life Support, 149 waist, 160