Page 439 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 439
434 History and Science of Knots
huckaback towels, 339 Inuits
Hudson Bay Company, 109 British influence, 109
human bodies, 32 Dutch influence, 109
hunting horn, 385 ethnographical observations, 113
Hurwitz, A., 219 Greenland, 107
hypotheses, 264 prehistory, 107
testing, 264 Thule district, 107
Viking influence, 108
I Chu, 90 Inuit knots, 107-130
Ice Age, 13 Boas Bowlines, 125
Ice Ages, 3 Bowlines, 125
Ice Man, 33 Diamond Knot, 122
Oetzi, 34 Fisherman's Bends, 123
icons Groundline Hitch, 122
Virgin Mary, 353 Half Hitches, 119
Yugoslavia, C12th, 354 Ipiutak site, 113
Incan culture, 71, 73, 74 John Ross sample, 121
hat, 338 Multiple Overhand Knots, 124
quipus, 73 National Museum, Denmark, 113
sources, 73 Nuuk site, 113, 119
Incan mathematics, 81 Nuusuaq Peninsula, 119
division into unequal parts, 82 polar sledge, 113
fractions, 81 qitdlaq, 122
geometric interpretations, 84 Saqqaq site, 113
integers, 81 Triple Fisherman's Bend, 119
Incas, 71, 209 invariants, 214
base-ten number system, 78 invariants of knots, 262
counting board, 86 Iron Age, 32
number system, 79 Islandic Gospels, 405
quipu keeper, 86 isotopic transformation, 223
religion, 80 isotopy problem, 223
statistics, 79 Italian Hitch, on karabiner, 174
Incense, 104
Index Rerum Notabilium, 401 jamming of knots, 201
India, 13 Japanese mizuhiki, 90
India muslins, 370 jewels, 91
Indonesia, 14 Johnson, S., 338
industrial revolution, 339 Jones' polynomial, 243
insignia of orders, 386 Jones, V. F. R., 239, 243
interlacing, 358 Fields' medallist, 243
by chimpanzees, 5 jumaring, 169
intertwining tails, 1st C., 92 Jupiter, 400