Page 441 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 441

436                     History and Science of Knots

          Knot (cont.)                         Knot (cont.)
              Grapevine, 164, 304                 Poor Man's Pride, 303
              Groundline Hitch, 145               Pretzel Knot, 394
              Half, 25, 49, 188, 200              Prusik Hitch, 161
              Half Hitch, 20, 25, 27, 91          Querry, 303
              Half Hitch Noose, 25                Reef, 5, 25, 46, 49, 188, 189,
              Half Hitches, Reversed, 25              199, 200, 229, 300, 303, 315,
              Half Knot, 5                           338
              Harness Bend, 303, 304              Reever Bend, 158
              Head Hunter's, 287                  Regular, 280, 283
              Helix, 287                          Ring, 287
              Hercules, 399                       Ring, Water, 304
              Herringbone, 280                    Round Brocade, 101, 103
              hot-X-bend, 303                     Round Turn, 26
              Hubblebubble, 301                   Round Turn and Half Hitch, 192
              Italian Hitch, 174                  Rover Loop, 158, 159
              iZZard, 303                         Sauvastika, 95
              Jinx, 301, 306                      Savoy Knot, 390
              Jury Mast, 271                      Seaman's, 137
              Karabiner Hitch, 171                Secured Reef, 164
              Kilkenny, 301                       Sennit Bend, 158
              Klemheist Hitch, 169                Sheet Bend, 307
              Knobble, 313                        Sheetbend, 188, 199
              Lacy Knot, 391                      Slip, 143
              Lark's Head, 137, 351               Snug Hitch, 26
              Latin Lasso, 303                    Square, 91, 301, 338
              Listing's, 239                      Stuflesser Hitch, 175
              Mariner Hitch, 168                  Sure Sheet Bend, 303
              Matthew Walker, 303                 Surgeon's, 25
              Mesh, 46                            Swami Loop, 166
              Miller's Hitch, 26                  Swiss Loop, 189
              Nautical, 137                       symmetrical, Chinese, 91
              noeud de guide, 153                 Tape, 167
              One and a Half Fishermans Loop,     Tarbuck Hitch, 168
                 166                              Thief, 307
              Openhanded, 189                     three-dimensional, Chinese, 91
              Overhand, 20, 27, 118, 188, 303,    Timber Hitch, 25, 137
                 385                              Timmerstek, 137
              Overhand Bend, 27, 152, 189         Triple Fishermans, 165
              Overhand Loop, 27, 152, 189         True Love, 397
              Overhand Loop on Bight, 157         Tucked Bowline, 165
              Overhand Noose, 25, 152, 199        Tucked Figure Eight Loop, 165
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