Page 440 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 440
Index 435
Kanenobu, T., 245 Knot (cont.)
karabiner, 168 Connection, 96, 97
Kauffman's polynomial, 245 Constrictor, 303
Kefallinia Island, 9 Cordon, 102
kernmantle climbing ropes, 182 Corrickle, 313
kernmantle rope, 200, 201 Counter Fisherman, 313
KFR calculus, 250 Cross, 98
Kirby, R. (moves), 250 Crows Foot Knot, 391
Kirkman, T. P., 222, 275 Double Bowline, 158
Klein, F., 217 Double Coin, 94
knappers, 21 Double Fishermans, 165
knitting Double Italian Hitch, 175
Shetland, 352 Double Overhand, 164, 389
patterns, 373 Double Prusik Hitch, 169
Knot Drawbend Double, 301
Alpine Butterfly, 159 Elephant's Eye, 104
Alpine Butterfly Loop, 157 English Fisherman's, 144
Alpine Clutch, 175 entrelacs, 394
Anchor Bend, 138 Fan, 287
angler's, 137 Farmer's Loop, 304
Anne of Bohemia's, 387 Fiador, 280
Antrea `Russian', 40 Figure Eight, 200, 385
Bachmann Hitch, 171 Figure Eight Descender, 172
Bag Hitch, 26 Figure Eight Tie, 154
Barrel, 301 Figure Nine, 389
Boas Bowline, 128 Figure of Eight, 311
Bot6n Oriental, 287 Figure-Eight Hitch, 25
Bowen Knot, 387 Fisherman Loop, 158
Bowline, 185, 187, 199 Fisherman's, 185, 188, 189, 201,
Bowline and Coil, 157 301
Bowline Bend, 193 Fisherman's Bend, 118, 192
Bowline on Bight, 157 Fisherman's Hitch, 138
Bowline on Coil, 158 Fishermans, 152, 165
Bucket Hitch, 199 Fishermans Loop, 165
button, 95 Flemish, 311
Carrick, 300, 306, 313 French Prusik Hitch, 170
Carrick Bend, 144, 199, 389 Gaucho, 287
Clove Hitch, 137, 189 Girth Hitch, 392
Cloverleaf, 102, 103 Good Luck, 97
Codline, 143 Gordian, 397, 399
Coil Hitch, 169 Granny, 5, 25, 46, 49, 229, 301,
Common Sennit, 20 306, 315