Page 435 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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430                     History and Science of Knots

          climbing (cont.)                        `Swiss-Army' style needles, 327
             pitons, 156                          Afghan, 322
             rock, 153                            and computing, 327
             rope, 197                            and missionaries, 325
          cloisons, 348                           Art Fabric movement, 323
          clothing, 317                           as hobby, 326
          Cloverleaf Knot, 103                    C11th specimen, Egypt, 320
             Ts'o-chiang-ts'ao, 102               CADD, 327
          coat of arms, design, 383               chain stitch, 317
          coding, 281, 282                        Chinese, 326
          cogency of results, 187                 commercial importance, 324
          collars, Spanish court, 360             design automation, 327
          Combinatorial Topology, 211             doilies, 326
          complexes, 224                          double stitch, 318
          computer-aided doily design (CADD),     en l'air, 320
                 327                              fascinators, 321
          conglomerations, 21                     finger knitting, 317
          conjugates, 242                         fool's, 322
          Connection Knot, Shuang-lien Chieh,     German, 322
                 96, 97                           history, 320
          conquistadores, 73                      hook forms, 326
          Constantinople, 353                     hooked tool, 317
          Conway's knot polynomial, 236           idiot's, 322
          Conway, J. H., 235                      image databases, 329
          copper axe, 34                          imitation lace, 322
          Coptic textiles, 347                    in the 1970s, 323
          cordage, 3, 21, 67, 181                 Indian, 326
          cordeliere, 394                         Irish, 321, 324, 325
          Cordon Knot                             Japan,322
             bronze mirror, 103                   lace lappets, 323
              Shou-tai Chieh, 102                 lacemaking, 324
          cordonnet, 348                          Mesopotamian, 320
          cosmology, 85                           Mexican, 326
          costume knots, 96                       New Directions?, 329
          cotton muslin, 370                      oyas, 323
          counterfeit lace, 361                   patterns, Europe, 322
          course-wool style, 337                  Peacock's eye lace, 322
          court dress, 370                        Queen Elizabeth I, 320
          court of heraldry, 382                  railway, 322
          creep, 183, 194, 201                    Scotch, 322
          cringle, 138                            Shepherd's, 322
          crochet, 317-330, 348, 376              single, double stitches, 318
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