Page 438 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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Index                             433

       grid diagram (cont.)                 heraldry (cont.)
           Standard Herringbone Knot, 289      Friars Knot, 392
           Standard Herringbone Pineap-        Harrington Knot, 392
              ple Knot, 289                    Hastings Knot, 392
           Wheelknot, 290                      Heneage Knot, 391
       grommets, 49                            Hungerford Knot, 392
       Guaman Poma, 74, 86                     impersonal arms, 382
           calculation device, 85              insignia, 382
        Guaman Poma de Alaya, 73               Lacs d'Amour, 386
                                               Lacy Knot, 391
        Haefliger, A., 234                     lists, 382
        hair, 3                                nowed serpents, 385
        half knots, 56                         Oystermans Stopper, 390
        half-cycles, 282                       personal arms, 382
        half-hitches, 348                      Pretzel Knot, 387
        Han Dynasty, 397                       Reef Knot, 387
        handaxes, 6                            Regalia of Knightly Orders, 394
        handedness, 188, 213, 311, 313         serpents, 388
        Hardanger Embroidery, 369              shield, 381
        harnesses, 14                          Stafford Knot, 392
        Haseman, M. G., 223                    Suffolk Knot, 391
        hawser bends, 193                      True Lover's Knot, 393
        head-scarves, 337                      Wake Knot, 385
        Hecke algebra, 247                     Wake or Ormonde Knot, 392
        heraldic knots, 381-395             Hercules Knot, Nodus Devinctus, 399
        heraldry                            hereditary symbols, 381
           badges, 390                      hitches, 19, 24, 192, 268
           blazon, 382                         two turns, 26
           Bourchier Knot, 393              holding power, 198
           P -)wen Knot, 391                Holocene, 14
           C12th, 382                       Homo, 5
           C14th, 382                          erectus, 5, 6
           Carrick Bend, 389                    habilis, 5
           Cavendish Knot, 392                  sapiens, 5, 9
           Chinese Knot, 387                    sapiens sapiens, 5
           coat of arms, 381                Hopei Province, 89
           crest, 385                       Hopf algebra, 251
           Dacre Knot, 392                  horse's harness, 335
           Double Figure Eight Knot, 390    Horus, 65
           European, 381                        and Seth, 66
           Figure Eight Knot, 390           houses, 35
           First Crusade, 382               Hsuan-yuan, 90
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