Page 12 - Vinscientiana2019
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Oftentimes people carry out their Doing this, we cannot add on to
tasks and responsibilities in different their problems but rather we will be
strategies in order to gain success. It understood by them as we deliver
could be time to be updated so as to objective words to guide them.
review those practices which are not They dwell on the urgent and
anymore effective and try to venture important (necessity) works first then Next is the habit of having to
in to new techniques in achieving those activities that are less urgent but synergize as a group. Its value tells us
successful endeavours. important (effectiveness) and lastly that the whole is better than that of
doing those which are urgent but not the sum of its parts. It is a habit of
The Pre-internal Seminarians had important. This is a good practice that creative cooperation and teamwork.
a session last February 16, 2019 on the will lead to acquiring proper time In this point of view, we should feel
7-Habits of Highly Effective People management skills. the new energy and excitement and
which revealed a paradigm that will to see things in a new way in order to
eventually review and guide us towards Then, the fourth habit of thinking become more effective and experience
effectiveness not only on personal a Win-Win. It is defined as working successful breakthrough together.
goals but rather effectiveness towards effectively with others to achieve
the community. It had enlisted 7 habits optimal results. Win-win is an Lastly, we have to sharpen the
which we could use to have primary alternative in interdependent realities saw. It means that we have to seek
changes on our frame of mind. which requires a balancing act continuous improvement and renewal
between courage and consideration. personally and professionally. It
First, being Pro-active. This deals Through the shared expectation means we should strive to perform
with acknowledging our mistakes and and accountability, it can motivate actions in preserving and enhancing
Our session started with the question, “What do you value most?” We looked to correct and learn from them. We the community to have superb our assets in life. These habits are
at each other, smiled, and thought about the answer. Some said their vocation are then getting responsible for our performance. guide for us to know how we are
was one of the things they value in their lives because they already experienced behaviour, results and growth. Our already becoming an effective person.
life outside the seminary and it was very hard. Now they want to focus on their most important work is always ahead The habit of having to seek first to And becoming an effective person
vocation so that they can somehow help to change the system in our society. Some of us and never behind us. understand before being understood not only for ourselves but to wherever
said their focus was their formation to become a better person and to live as a is the fifth. It entails an effective community we belong. One of the
true follower of Christ. Each of us had similar values in life— family, vocation, Secondly, having to begin with communications to all levels of the
and self-development. I wonder what’s really important in my life. Then Fr. Bong end in mind. We have to know and organization. When communicating, objectives of these habits is to value
said, “When something weighs you down, it’s hard to fly.” It means that if we have understand the end results of our we are challenged to listen and to interdependence as gifted persons as
something we’re holding on to, it’s hard for us to follow Christ. It’s like the actions. Often, we at some point are understand, to be conscious, to we pursue our communal endeavors
story of a ‘ rich young man ‘ when he asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit in life.
God’s kingdom. Jesus answered him to sell everything he had and give it to the hindered by too much thinking of the remove self-bias, and to be objective.
poor. Then he got sad because he had so many possessions. Some seminarians want to things that are beyond our control.
have many things in our seminary formation – cell phone, laptop, cameras, gadgets, This habit taught us that we shouldn’t
etc., and when these things are lost we get upset, annoyed, and pissed off. Fr. be affected by fears but rather focus
Bong said that if we don’t have Christ in our hearts, all we have is “meaningless.” our time and energy on things that are
within our control.
He gave us an activity to think of somebody or something that happened that we
never forgot. I was thinking of my past when I celebrated New Year alone at home. Then, the third habit is putting
That was because my mother and my sister went to Bicol for my brother’s operation First Things First. Effective leadership
on his appendix. That time I felt alone. And now I know that’s why I always feel is accomplishing things with highest
alone when my friends don’t invite me when they go somewhere. Fr. Bong said we’re priorities first before other priorities.
acting what we’ve felt in our past and we’re going to have a hard time moving on
if we don’t let go of what we’ve experienced before. He said “When you don’t carry
your past, the journey is much easier.” “Paradigms are powerful because they create the lens
through which we see the world... If you want small
I learned that in following the Lord I must let go of the misinterpretation changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you
of past and negative thoughts and decide to follow Jesus and not turn back. want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.”
- Dr. Stephen R. Covey
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