Page 14 - Vinscientiana2019
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The SVS Community highly esteems being afraid of committing mistake
St. Gabriel Perboyre, the patron saint and be embarrassed in front of the
of the Pre-Internal Seminary. That is audience. Fear comes in different
why there could be no better way to In the study entitled, ”Overcoming forms depending on how a person
celebrate his feast than singing songs Performance Anxiety among Music experiences it. More often, when a
out of one’s heart. As part of formation Undergraduates” it incites that person encounters it along the way,
and a form of preparation, the PIS 1 performance anxiety is a common the natural response would be flight
and OY 2 took the Music therapy last phenomenon among students of rather than fight. In some cases, fear
September 10, 2018. music who are the respondents of his freezes a person and distracts him
“We are the dance master of The formation session was study. It also attested to the fact that from attaining his goal.
our own life.” Last November facilitated by Mr. Nonon Baang, “The inner anxiety affects the performer’s I never thought of the possibility of
2018, Coach Lynn Payno Pope’s Cantor” during the Papal visit confidence and dazes ability. On the myself standing in stage to perform a
taught the seminarians of St. in the Philippines last 2015. Fondly other hand, Music as shown on many song. This experience crossed out an
called “Nono”, he led the seminarians
studies, improves the immune system item in my list of what if’s. It really
Vincent Seminary the value of into full participation by removing function of the body and decreases opened an opportunity for me not to
dancing, because it is part of their stage fright since many of them stress. It helps people to rewire with prove my singing skills but to believe
the formation year to undergo shyness and also it helped me image and awareness. The don’t have reservation in performing the healthy parts of themselves, in myself that I can let go of my
even in weakening situation such as reservations and go on with the flow
dance therapy to discover to build confidence. I learned most important thing is to a song number. He asked about the performance anxiety. of music. That experience was really
things that disturbs them in life and
the wholeness of life through to express myself which was open on the healing process. processed them in order to bring out conquering the stage with music over
This formation session gave the
dancing and thanksgiving. clearly a good thing. That Through dancing I was given in the participants their best so they participants the idea that fears are just fears.
Our coach taught us that every day achieved what had been a big help to improve myself can perform at their finest. ideas that discomfort one based on a No wonder why fear and music
movement of our body has its described to me as a sought- more confidently and be All of the participants performed certain experience. We usually tend are both interconnected. It works
meaning. And it is very useful after moment of transcendent aware of my issues. It helped their chosen music last September 11 to associate it with certain things and in a system wherein the latter is the
with Bro. Soc Leonard Cardino of OY
events that make us lose composure. remedy to the former. Identifying fear
for us to discover our self in bliss in which loose awareness me to grow and understand proclaimed the winner and Bro. Arvin A fear of performing in front of a is an important element for it directs
this way. In spiritual dance of the music, other people, more internally. I know that Zarsata of PIS 1 and Denmark of OY crowd or Performance Anxiety may the movement of music to soothe the
form, we were blindfolded in fact in all external cues dance is the hidden language won as First Runner up and Second not really mean being afraid when unease inside one’s body.
and accompanied by spotters and know only my body in of the soul of the body which Runner up, respectively. in front of the people, but rather
whose rule was to gently guide motion. It was indeed blissful. perpetuate the wholeness To identify one’s core problem
dancers away from potential It is truly unique. of my being. What are you was the main goal of this session.
Far from the expectation of many,
sources of injury. At such waiting for? Let’s do the this session was not about being
dance, no spectators were Finally, I learned the moves and be healed! competitive in karaoke singing.
present only the dancers. So movement vocabulary Music therapy is about using music
once the music has started the of spiritual dance and to in facing ones fears and challenges.
acknowledge some issues in
According to ArashJavanbakht and
dancers could neither see nor my very personal way through Linda Saab, both assistant professor of
be seen by his peers. We are free Psychiatry in Wayne State University;
to shake our body in a smooth dancing. The dance therapy it “Abnormal levels of fear and anxiety
way or whatever action during helped my being to integrate can lead to significant distress and
dysfunction and limit a person’s
the dance. I learned to express my previous memory and ability for success and joy of life.”
myself through dance and stimulate the real body This statement motivates a need to
it helped me overcome my face our fears directly and properly.
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