Page 13 - Berita 149 & 150
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                                                             Tan King Leong (left) launching the book ‘An Inward Journey’.

            The first Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Award laureates, from top, Kang Ye   《心航》作者梁国兴。
            Yi, Soon Gin Leong, and Kung Kok Chye.           The author of 'An Inward Journey': Leong Kok Hing.

            雪州政府拨款5万令吉予马佛青。左起为筹委会主席刘建宏、佛光山新马泰印教区总住持觉诚                   陈健良(右)代表马佛青移交纪念品予拿督斯里魏家祥博士
            法师、拿督邓章钦和杨桂荣。                                               (中),由觉诚法师(左)见证。
            Selangor State Government allocated RM50,000 to YBAM. From left, Organising Committee   Tan King Leong (right) presenting the souvenir to Datuk Seri Ir
            Chairperson Frankie Low Kian Hong, Fo Guang Shan Chief Abbess for Singapore, Malaysia,   Dr Wee Ka Siong (middle) on behalf of YBAM, witnessed by
            Thailand & Indonesia Venerable Jue Cheng, YB Dato’ Teng Chang Khim, and Yong Kuei Yoong.  Venerable Jue Cheng (left).
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