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            YBAM PELITA Psychological Consultation Service.   Standing  Committee  on  Non-Islamic  Affairs  (HESI)
                                                              Co-Chairperson YB Dato’ Teng Chang Khim attended
            The 20th Anniversary Celebration of ‘Eastern Horizon’   the BNC to officiate the closing ceremony. Although
            and  Launching  Ceremony  of  the  Book  ‘An  Inward   this was the first time that YB Dato’ Teng Chang Khim
            Journey’  were  also  held  during  the  convention.   attended the YBAM event, he said he had been paying
            Eastern Horizon invited the editorial team to a pre-  close  attention  to  YBAM  digital  Dharma  activities
            recorded  interview  to  share  their  journey  over   during the pandemic.
            the  past  20  years  since  the  establishment  of the
            publication,  while  the  Incumbent  President  Tan   During the convention, YBAM adopted 5 resolutions:
            King Leong was invited to officiate the launch of 'An
            Inward  Journey',  with  the  author  Leong  Kok  Hing   1.  YBAM calls  upon  the  government  for a fair,
            being  invited  to  share  the  creation  concept  of  the   equitable  and  justified  allocation  of  administrative
            book.                                             funds for all religious groups.

                     First Time Online Election               2.  YBAM urges the  government  to postpone  the
                                                              implementation  of  the  Youth  Societies  and  Youth
            This year’s convention was the first time that YBAM   Development  Act  (Amendment)  2019,  and  at  the
            adopted  the  online  election  method  to  elect  new   same  time  repeal  or  amend  the  Universities  and
            leadership,  and  Yong  Kuei  Yoong  was  elected  the   University Colleges Act 1971 to allow more freedom
            President. In his speech, Yong Kuei Yoong said that   of speech and association for students from tertiary
            YBAM  has  been  actively  promoting  youth  training   institutions to nurture their leadership capabilities.
            over  the  past  50  years,  and  now  YBAM  needs  to
            provide a good environment and platform for them   3. YBAM calls upon all parties to respect the reality
            to grow and flourish.                             of cultural diversity of Malaysian society, in doing so
                                                              to avoid stirring up racial and religious distrust and
            He  also  presented  the  future  direction  of  the   conflicts.
            organisation,  including  establishing  closer  ties  with
            member  organisations  and  promoting  training   4. YBAM urges all member organisations to adapt to
            programmes for Buddhist undergraduates.           changing times, making good use of the internet and
                                                              technology to organise myriads of activities to attract
            ‘At  the  same  time,  YBAM  will  also  reactivate  its   people from all walks of life to Buddhism.
            community  service programme to expose the
            Buddhist youth  to  the community, and  to  ensure   5. YBAM is urged to collaborate with the Malaysian
            the  programme  can  effectively  assist  the  Buddhist   Anti-Corruption  Commission  (MACC)  and  provide
            organisations  to  set  up  Buddhist  classes,  youth   education to the member organisations, as a means
            groups, etc. in their own area.’                  to raise the anti-corruption awareness of the Buddhist
            The following day, the Selangor state EXCO cum State

            新任总会长杨桂荣发表致词。                 大会副议长莫状荣(左起)、大会议长廖国民和马佛青时任总秘书许俊辉。
            The New President Yong Kuei Yoong   Deputy Chairperson of BNC Mok Chuang Yong (from left), BNC Chairperson Liau Kok Meng and the Incumbent
            delivering a speech.          General Secretary of YBAM Hoi Jung Wai.
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