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常藻法师                符祥伦                江暐颉                陈昌勇                赖慧璇
               Venerable Chang Zao   Foo Siang Luen    Kong Wai Keat      Tan Chang Yong      Lai Hui Xuan

            25  March  2020  through  the  Zoom  platform.  The
            reading group studied ‘The Way to Buddhahood’ by
            Venerable Yin Shun with the objective of reinforcing
            the  fundamentals  of  Buddhism  as  well  as  linking
            Buddhism to life and current affairs. The participants
            learned to apply the Dharma to their lives through
            listening to lectures, discussions, improving in their
            thinking and mindset.

            The lecturers disagreed with the concept of online
            teaching  initially.  However,  the  online  Dharma
            Fellowship Reading Group saw a much larger turnout   菩提工作坊于线上举办的法侣读书会。
            than  the  offline  one.  Furthermore,  the  diversified   Online Dharma Fellowship Reading Group that is organised by BBFM.
            Buddhism  background  of  the  participants  enriches   their careers as lecturers or mentors to accompany
            the content and atmosphere of the class and breaks   participants in facing dilemmas and transformations
            the boundaries of the region. The Dharma Fellowship   in their workplace. Two-way communication enables
            Reading  Group  has  been  successful  in  attracting   youth to practise Buddhism in the workplace and in
            students  from  many  states  in  Malaysia  and  even   their lives in the face of the impact of the pandemic
            from overseas, including Singapore and the United   on their careers, as well as the transformation and
            Kingdom. This has enabled the BBFM to grow from   new direction of the Industry 4.0.
            an  organisation  confined  to  a  physical  location  in
            Kuala Lumpur to an organisation where everyone can   In addition, BBFM continues to make good use of the
            now participate in its online activities both at home   online teaching during the pandemic, offering online
            and abroad.                                       training courses for Dharma speakers, Kalyāṇa-mittatā
                                                              courses, and online training courses for practitioners
            Following  the  success  of  the  Dharma  Fellowship   of Dharma propagation via Buddhist hymns.
            Reading  Group,  the  weekly  Friday  puja,  Bodhi’s
            Meet, began its first online puja on 3 April 2020. The   However,  due  to  technical  difficulties  and  the  lack
            transition to online saw an increase in participation   of executors behind the scenes, several workshops
            in both the Dharma Fellowship Reading Group and   and  training  courses  of  BBFM  had  to  be  reduced
            Bodhi’s  Meet.  ‘Late  Supper  with  the  Grim  Reaper’   in frequency and content, or even terminated. For
            held on 4 September 2020 by the Bodhi’s Meet met   example,  the  regular  vocal  classes  of  the  Buddhist
            the highest number of attendees, with a total of 572   Hymn  Group  were  transformed  into  monthly
            people  participating  through  Zoom  and  Facebook   online  classes,  and  physical  vocal  class  could  not
            Live.                                             be  implemented,  nor  could  the  musicians  of  the
                                                              Buddhist  Hymn  Group  conduct  physical  sharing  of
            The  transformation  of  BBFM  is  not  merely  moving   Buddhist hymns. On the other hand, Bodhi’s Meet
            from offline pujas to online ones but a continuous   held every Friday previously has been reduced to once
            effort  to  seek  innovation  and  connect  with  social   every fortnight, and the Sunday Dharma Morning has
            issues throughout the process.                    been suspended due to the involvement of various
                                                              physical practices.
            The epidemic has also spawned a new activity - the
            Workplace  Dharma  Talk  course  series.  The  course,   BBFM  Chairperson  Kong  Wai  Keat  said  that  online
            which commenced on 19 April 2020, brings together   activities  have  the  advantage  of  saving  time  on
            experienced  Buddhist  veterans  who  succeed  in   transportation and bringing more people together to

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