Page 19 - Berita 151
P. 19

More  than  two  thousand  years  ago  there  was  a
            place where Buddhism flourished on the Silk Road
            in  Central  Asia  -  Gandhara.  It  was  a  Mahayana
            Buddhism  sacred  place,  and  was  said  to  be  the
            birthplace  of  Asanga  Bodhisattva,  Vasubhanda
            Bodhisattva,  and  Guru  Rinpoche  Padmasambhava.
            It is situated in what is now Northwest Pakistan and
            East Afghanistan. Gandhara was the meeting point of
            ancient Indian and Greek civilisations, so Gandhara
            sculpture,  architecture  and  painting  are  a  fusion
            of  Indian,  Persian,  and  Greek  elements,  known  as
            Gandhara art.

            YBAM was invited to attend the 2022 International   白沙瓦博物馆是全世界最大的犍陀罗文化博物馆。
            Conference  and  Art  Festival  for  Promoting  Social   The Peshawar Museum is the largest museum of Gandhara culture in the world.
            Cohesion  and  Interfaith  Harmony  in  Islamabad,   the  development  of  Gandhara  (Buddhist)  art  and
            Pakistan from 14 to 15 March 2022 to learn about   architecture, the role of religion in promoting social
            'Buddhism  in  Pakistan'  from  the  points  of  history,   cohesion and interfaith harmony, and the potential of
            archaeology, art, and architecture. In addition to the   religious tourism in Pakistan. They were able to gain a
            attendance of Muslim citizens and varsity students   deeper understanding of Gandhara Buddhist art and
            in  related  fields  in  majority,  the  18  foreign  guests   architecture,  refresh  their  stereotypes  on  Pakistan,
            included  Venerable  Zong  Ping,  YBAM  Religious   and appreciate the visionary and enlightened spirit
            Advisor, Venerable Jue Cheng, YBAM Religious Advisor   of  the  government's  efforts  in  preserving  Buddhist
            cum Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Singapore, Malaysia,   heritage sites and promoting religious tourism.
            Thailand, Indonesia, and India, YBAM President Yong
            Kuei  Yoong,  National  Council  Members  Lim  Kean   After the conference, the organisers arranged a four-
            Boon and Khong Fong Jia, and 9 other Malaysia Fo   day and three-night visit to the Gandhara Buddhist
            Guang Shan nuns and lay devotees.                 sites. On the first day, the group travelled to Taxila,
                                                              the  birthplace  of  Gandhara  art,  to  visit  the  World
            It is worth mentioning that the event was launched   Heritage Sites Jaulian Buddhist Complex and Mohra
            by Dr. Arif Avi, the President of the Islamic Republic   Muradu. In addition to the large and small Buddhist
            of  Pakistan,  which  showed  the  importance  that   halls, dormitories, dining hall, and storerooms that we
            Pakistan  placed  on  this  event.  The  participants   have in modern monasteries, both stone monasteries
            learnt  the  propagation  of  Buddhism  in  Gandhara,   have  stupas  with  carvings  of  Gandhara  Buddha

            Group photo at the Mohra Muradu heritage site.

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