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statues,  two-storey  kuti  built  around  square  ponds
            and some with niches inside. The Mohra Muradu is
            said  to  contain  some  of  the  finest  clay  carvings  of
            the Buddha statues at Taxila. The group also visited
            the Taxila Museum, where they were able to see the
            art, Buddhist artefacts, and life of the ancient city of
            Taxila in different periods, including the golden relic
            box containing the two relics of the Buddha's teeth,
            which was a privilege. The day also included a visit to
            the Dharmarajika Stupa, a world Buddhist Heritage
            site said to have been built by King Ashoka in the 3rd
            century BC to enshrine the Buddha's relics. The YBAM
            representatives ended the day's journey with good
            karma by chanting the Buddha's name or mantras,
            doing  penance,  circumambulating  the  stupa,  and   马佛青宗教顾问兼佛光山新马泰印教区总主持觉诚法师(左)瞻
            sharing of merits.                                Venerable Jue Cheng (left), Religious Advisor of YBAM cum Chief Abbess of
                                                              Fo Guang Shan Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and India, visited
            On the second day of the visit, the group went to the   the Jahanabad Buddha Site.
            Peshawar Museum, the largest museum of Gandhara   from those of the Buddha statues in Central India. The
            culture  in  the  world,  located  in  Peshawar,  the  city   day also included a visit to Takht-i-Bahi, considered
            of  flowers  on  the  border  between  Afghanistan   to be the most magnificent Buddhist monument in
            and Pakistan. The museum has a collection of over   Gandhara. The complex consists of four main parts:
            40,000 items. Among the Buddhist sculptures, most   the  stupa  courtyard,  the  monastery  rooms,  the
            of  them  are  Buddha  statues  or  narrate  about  the   temple complex, and the Tantric monastery complex.
            stories of the life of the Buddha and Buddhist tales.   Takht-i-Bahi is in a very good state of preservation as
            Buddha statues in Gandhara period were modelled   it is situated on the top of a hill, which has protected
            on the Greek sculptures of Apollo, and were not only   it from vandalism.
            robust and well-presented, with distinctive features
            and a strong sense of three-dimensionality, but also   On the last two days of the visit, the group travelled
            include details such as the halo on the back of the   to the Swat Valley, the site of the ancient Uddiyana
            head and the Mediterranean-style curls and buns in   kingdom  and  the  birthplace  of  the  Guru  Rinpoche
            the sculptural motifs, which were distinctly different   Padmasambhava,  which  was  visited  by  Master  Fa-

            The group piled stones at Dharmarajika Stupa to make a vow.

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