Page 27 - Berita 151
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            Group photo.


            Online Interaction Session between YBAM

            and Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports

            YB Senator Dato' Sri Ti Lian Ker

            日期 Date    :05/10/2021                       YBAM  had  an  online  interaction  with  Deputy  Minister
            时间 Time    : 8:00pm - 10:00pm                of Youth and Sports (KBS) YB Senator Dato' Sri Ti Lian Ker
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online                       through Zoom meeting room. The contents of interaction
            参与人数 Attendees  :  50人 50 people             included  youth  training  programmes  provided  by  KBS,
                                                         future  development  of  youth  organisations,  the  role  of
                                                         youth  in  nation  development,  and  the  effort  of  YBAM  in
            体部)副部长拿督斯里郑联科进行线上交流。                         training Buddhist youth.
            年组织的未来发展、青年在国家发展的角色                          This  interaction  session  also  provided  a  platform  for  the
            和马佛青在培训佛教青年的努力。                              three standing committees under YBAM, which were Trainee
                                                         Teachers  Coordination  Committee,  Adolescent  Affairs
            此交流也提供一个平台让马佛青的三个委员                          Committee,  and  Buddhist  Undergraduate  Coordination
            会即师范协调委员会、青少年事务委员会和                          Committee, to present future activities focused on trainee
            大专协调委员会向青体部呈现马佛青未来以                          teachers, adolescents, and varsity students.
                                                         YB Senator Dato' Sri Ti Lian Ker and Ts. Dr. Loke Kok Foong
            拿督斯里郑联科和陆国丰博士也给予马佛青                          provided  some  suggestions  on  the  activities  that  can
            身为青年和宗教性质的组织一些活动上的建                          be  organised  by  YBAM  as  a  youth  and  religious-based
            议,并分享青年可以在青体部旗下申请的资                          organisation. He also shared the resources that YBAM can
            源。                                           apply for under the KBS.

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