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               Ven Mahinda giving Dhamma teaching to five sāmaṇeras during a visit to site of Pusat Buddis Dhammaduta Malaysia now under
               construction in Putrajaya. The five sāmaṇeras participated in a special Novitiate at Samadhi Vihara during Vas 2018.

               “This is the Noble Truth of the path leading to the   idea they express is found in a number of discourses
               cessation of suffering (magga). It should be developed.   (suttas) such as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta,
               And it has been developed”. This is known in Pāli as,   SN 56.11, and the Uposatha Sutta, AN 8.41, they are
               Tiparivaṭṭaṃ Dvādasākaraṃ or the three aspects and   more clearly expressed and emphasized in the Visuddhi
               twelve ways how the Buddha realized the Four Noble   Magga commentaries.
                                                                  The word “study” implies we read the texts. But
               This is where we encounter the teachings of        during the Buddha’s time, the teachings were all
               pariyatti (theory), paṭipatti (practice), and paṭivedha   given orally. So in today’s context, how should we
               (realization). When the Buddha first mentions “This   actually study the Dhamma?
               is the Noble Truth of dukkha”, it is the pariyatti aspect
               (i.e. it is a statement of fact or theory which needs   During the Buddha’s time a learned person was ‘one
               to be studied or investigated). When the Buddha    who has heard much’ (bāhusuttam) because the main
               mentions “This Noble Truth of Dukkha should be fully   source of information was through listening. Nowadays
               perceived”, it is the paṭipatti aspect (i.e.  the practice   we have books and electronic media so most study
               or practical aspect which needs to be carried out).   is done through reading. However, where spiritual
               Similarly, when the Buddha mentions “This Noble Truth   development is concerned, it is very important for a
               of Dukkha has been fully perceived” it is the paṭivedha   genuine and sincere aspirant to have the opportunity to
               aspect (i.e. the realization - the truth to be studied or   make personal contact with authentic teachers.
               investigated is now fully verified). The same applies for
               the three other Noble Truths: Samudaya, Nirodha, and   The Buddha had the unique ability to teach or
               Magga.                                             instruct his disciples according to their capabilities
                                                                  as he was able to gauge the mental faculties of each
               Although the actual terms pariyatti (theory), paṭipatti   individual. The five mental faculties or Pañca Indriya
               (practice), and paṭivedha (realization) appear separately   are: Saddhā (Faith or confidence), Viriya (Energy or
               in the Suttas such as in the Aṅguttara Nikāya and the   effort), Sati (Mindfulness), Samādhi (Concentration),
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