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                                                                  we need to look within ourselves to see how we are also
                                                                  subject to suffering. Through reflection externally and
                                                                  internally, we will get a better idea of what Dukkha is
                                                                  about. First we learn to observe superficially, then we
                                                                  need to go deeper. The true meaning of Dukkha will only
                                                                  unfold when we meditate and begin to experience the
                                                                  emptiness or the fleeting nature of the Five Aggregates
                                                                  (Pañca Khanda), comprising form, feeling, perception,
                                                                  mental formations and consciousness.

                                                                  The Pāli term, Yoniso Manasikāra refers to ‘careful
                                                                  consideration’ or ‘wise reflection’. Manasikāra refers
                                                                  to thinking or discerning. Yoniso is derived from the
               In reverence of his late teacher Venerable K Sri Dhammananda
               Nayaka Maha Thera, Ven Mahinda and members of Maha   word ‘Yoni’ or the place of birth. When we put these
               Sangha at the Memorial Service at Buddhist Maha Vihara on   two words together we will get the idea that we need to
               Aug 31, 2018.                                      consider the origin or root cause of the problem. What
                                                                  is implied is that we need to think or reflect deeply, not
                                                                  just superficially. To go deeper we need calmness and
                                                                  clarity of mind. That is where we need to meditate, to
                                                                  develop calmness and insight so that we can dwell on
                                                                  the Dhamma at a deeper level.

                                                                  The Pāli Canon is obviously the best sources for
                                                                  us to study the Dhamma. But the Pāli Canon is so
                                                                  voluminous. Where and how should we start?
                                                                  The Dhamma or teachings of the Buddha cater for the
                                                                  needs of individuals at different levels of development.
                                                                  There are two aspects of the Dhamma.

                                                                  The first aspect is that of Lokiya Dhamma which refers
                                                                  to the teachings at the mundane or worldly level. Those
                                                                  who are leading a worldly household life need to know
                                                                  how to maintain peace and harmony within the family
                                                                  and the society. The Sigālovāda Sutta, DN 31 outlines
                                                                  the duties and responsibilities between children and
                                                                  parents, pupil and teacher, husband and wife, employer
                                                                  and employee, and religious teacher and disciple. It
                                                                  also teaches us how to recognize true friends and how
                                                                  to avoid downfalls in life, as well as how to maintain a
               Signing the visitors’ book upon visiting the K Sri   balanced livelihood keeping track of one’s income and
               Dhammananda…His Legacy Lives On Exhibition at Buddhist
               Maha Vihara in August 2018                         expenses.

                                                                  There are three other discourses (suttas) that
                                                                  are relevant to the worldly way of life. They are the
                                                                  Vyagghapajja Sutta, AN 8.54, Parābhava Sutta, Sn 1.6,
                                                                  and the Mahā maṅgala Sutta, Sn 2.4. Of these, the Mahā
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