Page 141 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 141

successive attainment of which constitutes progress in

             meditation or the development of unarisen skilful mental states.

             In case any of you are wondering why meditation and the states
             of higher consciousness are being dealt with under the heading
             of Perfect Effort, rather than under that of Perfect Samadhi, the

             eighth stage of the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path, I should
             explain that meditation is of two kinds. There is that which

             depends upon conscious effort, and there is that which arises
             spontaneously as the natural result of our higher spiritual life. It
             is the first of these, i.e. meditation with effort, with which we

             ourselves are concerned, and which is meditation for all practical
             purposes. Indeed, it is because meditation requires so much

             effort and because it is, in fact, the major manifestation of effort
             within the context of the spiritual life, and of the Eightfold Path,
             that it is included here as part of Perfect Effort.

             (d) Maintaining Arisen Skillful Mental States

             Having prevented and eradicated bad thoughts, and developed
             good thoughts, we now have to maintain the good thoughts —
             that is to say the higher states of consciousness — which we

             have developed. It is very easy to slip back. If we stop our
             practice for even so much as a day or two, we may well find

             ourselves back where we started months before. Regularity is
             therefore essential. Again, if we give up after reaching a certain
             level, and make no further effort; the result will be that we slip

             back even from that level. If, however, we do neither of these
             things but continue to make an effort we shall eventually reach a

             stage from which it is impossible to regress. For most of us

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