Page 146 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 146

the supra-human or trans-human stage. Thus the hypotenuse of

             our triangle covers the entire process of evolution, from the
             amoeba through man, i.e. unenlightened man, to Buddha or

             Enlightened man. Science and religion, the Lower and the Higher
             Evolution, are embraced in one enormous sweep, and this, to
             anyone with even a little imagination, is a most inspiring and

             invigorating prospect. Closing one's eyes, one can see the whole
             process of growth and efflorescence, as from its first beginnings

             it passes through innumerable successive steps and stages. One
             can see the long, slow, painful ascent of life as it culminates, for
             the present at least, in man.

             Perfect Effort as Conscious Evolution

             Perfect Effort is, of course, the sixth stage of the Noble Eightfold
             Path, and the Noble Eightfold Path corresponds, strictly
             speaking, to the fourth stage of the evolutionary process, i.e. to

             the stage represented by section D of the hypotenuse in our
             diagram. In a wider sense, as comprising the mundane as well as

             the Transcendental Eightfold Path, it corresponds to the whole
             process of the Higher Evolution, i.e. to the stage represented by
             sections C and D of the hypotenuse. As such, it includes in its

             scope even our relatively half-hearted attempts to follow the
             Eightfold Path.

             As our diagram suggests, the Lower and the Higher Evolution are
             in one sense continuous; but in another sense they are not.

             There are, in fact, important differences between them, and one
             of these differences is exemplified by Perfect Effort. Whereas

             the Lower Evolution is collective — for here it is the whole
             species that evolves, not any individual (at this level the
             individual does not yet exist) — the Higher Evolution is an

             individual affair.

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