Page 151 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 151

, and in due course you offer him a cup of tea. You go into the

             kitchen and find it full of steam. Then you remember you had put
             the kettle on some time ago, and that makes you remember your

             letter. But it is now too late. You have missed the post.

             So this is what happens. This is an example of unmindfulness in

             everyday life. Indeed, everyday life consists, for the most part, of
             this sort of unmindfulness. We can all, no doubt, recognize

             ourselves in the portrait. We can recognize that this is the
             chaotic, unmindful sort of fashion in which, for the most part, we
             live our lives.

             Now let us analyse the situation, and try to discover in what the

             unmindfulness consists. This may give us a better understanding
             of the nature of unmindfulness. First of all there is the plain and
             simple fact of forgetfulness, which is a very important element in

             unmindfulness. We forget about the letter which we are writing
             when we are talking on the 'phone, and we forget the kettle

             which is boiling for tea when we are listening to the radio.

             Why do we forget so easily in this sort of fashion? Why is it we

             lose sight of something we ought to be bearing in mind? The
             reason is that we are very easily distracted. Our mind is very

             easily turned away or turned aside.
             It often happens, for instance, that I am giving a lecture or talk of
             some kind. Everybody is paying close attention, and there is a

             pin-drop silence. But then the door opens, and someone comes
             in. And what happens? Half the heads swivel round, just as

             though they had all been pulled by the same string. People are as

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