Page 156 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 156

bamboos and he looked at small bamboos. He looked at them

            when they were green and when they were yellow, when they
            were fresh and springy, and when they were dry and decayed. In

            this way, we are told, he spent several years — just looking at
            bamboos. And so he became really aware of the bamboos: he
            really saw them. And seeing them, being aware of them in this

            way, he became as it were one with the bamboos. His life passed
            as it were into the life of the bamboos; the life of the bamboos

            passed into his life. Only then, we are told, did he paint bamboos,
            and of course you may be sure it was real bamboos that he
            painted. In fact, we may say that it had become a question of a

            bamboo painting bamboos.

            Now according to Buddhism, at least according to Far Eastern
            Buddhism, i.e. the traditions of China and Japan and, above all
            perhaps, the traditions of Ch'an and Zen, this should be our

            attitude towards all material things. This should be our attitude
            towards the whole of nature: not only towards bamboos, but

            towards the sun, the moon, the stars, and the earth; towards
            trees and flowers and human beings. We should learn to look,
            learn to see, learn to be aware, and, in this way, become

            supremely 'receptive'. On account of our receptivity we shall
            become as it were one with, or at least fused with, all things, and

            out of this oneness, this realization of affinity and deep unity, if
            we are of artistic temperament we shall create and truly create.

            (2) Awareness of Oneself
            This level has many different sub-levels of which three, we may

            say, are of particular importance.

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