Page 153 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 153

Some of the main characteristics of unmindfulness should now
             be clear. Unmindfulness is a state of forgetfulness, of distraction,

             of poor concentration, of an absence of continuity of purpose or
             of drift, and of no real individuality. Mindfulness, of course, has
             just the opposite characteristics. It is a state of recollection, of

             undistractedness,          of    concentration,         or     continuity       and
             steadfastness of purpose, and of continually developing

             individuality. All these characteristics are connoted by the term
             'awareness' and, especially, by Perfect Awareness. Not that
             Perfect Awareness is fully defined by these characteristics, but

             they are enough for us to be getting on with for the time being.
             They will serve to give us a general idea of what mindfulness or

             awareness is, and of what Perfect Awareness is.

             Let us now turn to our main theme, which is, of course, the levels

             of awareness. Traditionally these levels are arranged or ordered
             in various ways, but on this occasion I propose to discuss the

             levels of awareness under four principal headings. These
             headings are (1 ) awareness of things, (2) awareness of self, (3)
             awareness of others, i.e. other people, and (4) awareness of

             Reality, or of Truth, or the Ultimate. By considering the levels of
             awareness under these four main headings we shall, I hope, be

             able to obtain a fairly comprehensive idea of the true nature of
             Perfect Awareness.

             (1) Awareness of Things
             When we speak of 'things' we mean material things such as a

             book or a table. We mean our whole material environment, full
             of so many different objects. We mean, in short, the whole realm
             of nature. Most of the time, of course, we are just vaguely


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