Page 167 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 167

Perfect Samadhi

             In these lectures we have been following, in imagination at least,
             the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path, and with the eighth and last

             stage of that Path we come to the end of our long journey. This
             last stage is that of samyak-samadhi (Pali: samma-samadhi),
             usually translated — not very adequately — as Right Meditation;

             though what it really means will, I hope, become clear as we

             We have learned, and by this time know very well, that the
             Eightfold Path is divided into two principal sections: the Path of

             Vision and the Path of Transformation. While the Path of Vision
             represents the initial insight into — even the initial experience of

             — Ultimate Reality, the Path of Transformation represents the
             transformation and transfiguration of the various levels and
             aspects of one's being and consciousness in accordance with

             that initial insight and experience. The second section of the
             Path is therefore much longer and more complex, as well as

             much more difficult, than the first section, for the first section

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