Page 168 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 168

of the Path, or Path of Vision, corresponds to one stage of the

             Eightfold Path only, i.e. the stage of Perfect Vision, whereas the
             second section, or Path of Transformation, corresponds to all the

             other stages up to and including Perfect Samadhi, which is our
             present subject.

             What, then, is Perfect Samadhi?
             Before any attempt is made to answer this question it may be

             observed that, as a general rule, the more advanced the stage of
             spiritual development with which we are dealing the less there
             really is to say about it. This principle holds good throughout the

             whole of the spiritual life. In the Pali Scriptures, for instance, we
             find that whereas the Buddha had quite a lot to say about ethics,

             and went into questions of personal behaviour in considerable
             detail, when it came to Nirvana, the ultimate goal, he said very
             little. Indeed, there was very little for him to say! Thus although

             the Buddhist Scriptures are very extensive, and deal with a vast
             number of topics, on the whole they do not tell us very much

             about Nirvana. The Buddha was not very communicative on this
             particular subject. Indeed, when questioned about Nirvana, or
             about the nature of Enlightenment or the experience of the

             Enlightened person, he sometimes remained perfectly silent.

             The same principle holds good with regard to the Noble
             Eightfold Path. One can say quite a lot about
             Perfect Speech, Perfect Action and Perfect Livelihood. For

             instance, in connection with Perfect Livelihood it is possible to go
             into the whole question of economics and spiritual life, on which

             there is a very great deal of material. One can even say quite a
             lot about Perfect Effort and Perfect Awareness. But

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