Page 176 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 176

body weight: one may feel very, very heavy as though one could

              not possibly get up, or one may feel very, very light, as though
              one was going to float away like thistledown. There may be

              experiences of intense heat and cold, and sometimes these
              changes of temperature can be perceived by other people.

              Then again, in the case of some people (though not all, because
              this is a matter of temperament), if they keep up the practice of

              concentration and meditation over a long period, not only do
              their minds become highly sensitized but they may develop
              various subtle senses. They may become aware that they are

              understanding what other people are thinking, or they may
              develop the faculties of what we in the West call clairvoyance

              and clairaudience. According to Buddhist teaching — in fact,
              according to Buddhist experience — these faculties develop as
              the result of practising concentration and meditation, when the

              whole being becomes more refined and subtle. But again, they
              do not develop in the case of everybody. Some people,

              apparently, can even go the whole way — even realize Nirvana
              — without developing any of these faculties at all.

              Other      samapatti        experiences        include,      perhaps        more
              importantly, the experience of intense joy, bliss, and ecstasy,

              and of an ineffable peace descending upon you and enfolding
              you. This occurs especially at the time of meditation but can
              occur at other times also. Even more importantly — and here

              samapatti begins to merge into samadhi — you may attain
              flashes of insight. It is as though a veil had been suddenly rent

              and, just for an instant, you see things as they are: and then the
              veil closes. But you do get a glimpse, or a flash. You might
              suddenly comprehend the truth of a teaching that you had


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