Page 178 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 178

darkness and unawareness. Thus in negative terms samadhi

             proper is described as the complete absence of these three
             poisonous fluxes or biases. It is a state in which sense

             experiences and material things mean nothing; a state in which
             there is no desire for any kind of conditioned existence and no
             real interest in anything other than Nirvana or Enlightenment,

             and in which there is no shadow of ignorance or spiritual

             In addition to this negative description there are various
             positive descriptions — though here we must tread rather

             warily and understand that we are trying to give a hint or two
             about something which really goes far beyond any power of

             words to express. Some of the texts mention a group of three
             samadhis, in the higher sense of the term. Not that there are
             really three, in the sense of three mutually exclusive states, but

             that the so-called three samadhis are more like different
             aspects or dimensions of the one samadhi.

             (i) The Imageless Samadhi.
             The first of these samadhis is known as the Imageless (animitta).

             It indicates the perfect freedom of the state of samadhi from all
             thoughts, all conceptualization. If we can just imagine a state in

             which we are fully and clearly conscious, fully and clearly aware,
             at the highest possible level, without any discursive thought, —
             if we imagine the mind as being like a beautiful, bright blue,

             clear sky, without even a speck of cloud, — that is what the
             experience of the Imageless Samadhi would be like. Usually the

             sky of the mind is full of clouds; grey clouds, black clouds,
             sometimes even storm clouds; but occasionally clouds tinged
             with gold. The state of samadhi is a state free from all clouds of

             thought, or all conceptualization.

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