Page 66 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 66

Creation. If we reflect, we shall see that a great part of our
             culture depends, directly or indirectly, on speech. Through

             speech the mother and the teacher educate the child. Through
             books, which are, as it were, frozen, crystallized speech, we get
             information,        we     get     knowledge;         we     may      even      get

             Enlightenment. If books were abolished, if all the literature in
             the world was burned, — if it all went up in flames in one great

             conflagration, what would we know? We would know hardly
             anything: just a few facts of immediate sense observation and
             nothing more.

             All our culture, our knowledge, even our spiritual insight, is to a

             great extent derived, directly or indirectly, from the word: from
             speech; from utterance. It is therefore natural, even inevitable,
             that in the moral and spiritual life we should give as much

             consideration to speech as we do to thought and action.

             There are three great phases in the historical development of
             Buddhism: Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana, and in the
             Vajrayana, the Adamantine Path or Way, body, speech and mind

             are associated respectively with three psychic centres, as we
             may call them — without attaching too much importance to the

             word psychic. The body is associated with the head centre,
             speech with the throat centre, and the mind with the heart
             centre. This is why when we salute the Buddha image, or our

             teacher, we very often do this by joining our hands and with
             them touching our head, throat and chest in succession, to

             signify that we salute with body, speech, and mind, i.e. with our
             whole being: completely, fully; without holding anything back.

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