Page 71 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 71

Truthfulness is also psychological, also spiritual. Besides factual

             accuracy, speaking the truth also involves an attitude of honesty
             and sincerity. It involves saying what we really think. You are not

             speaking the truth unless you speak the whole truth, and say
             what is really in your heart and mind — say what you really think,
             even what you really feel. If you do not do that, you are not

             being truthful, you are not really communicating.

             But then another question arises. Do we really even know what
             we think? Do we really know what we feel? Most of us live or
             exist in a state of chronic mental confusion, bewilderment,

             chaos, disorder. We may repeat, as the occasion arises, what we
             have heard, what we have read. We may regurgitate it when we

             are required to do so, whether at the time of examinations in the
             case of students, or on social occasions in the case of other
             people, but we do all this without really knowing what we say.

             How can we, therefore, really speak the truth? Since we do not
             really know what we think, how can we be truthful?

             If we want to speak the truth in the full sense, or at least in a
             fuller sense than is usually understood, we must clarify our ideas.

             We must introduce some sort of order into this intellectual chaos
             of ours. We must know quite clearly, quite definitely, what we

             think, what we do not think, what we feel, what we do not feel;
             and we must be intensely aware. We must know what is within
             us, what are our motivations, what are our drives and our ideals,

             and this means that we have to be completely honest with
             ourselves; it means that we have to know ourselves. If we do not

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