Page 21 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 21

organizations’  main  weaknesses.  Unlike  TCR  organizations,  Christianity,  and  Islam
                 movements pro-actively proselytize their religions. They even go beyond proselytizing. There

                 is a mechanism within Christianity and Islam that stops Christians or Muslims from leaving
                 their religion - rules are created. For example, in Malaysia, Muslims practice endogamous
                 marriage. Thus, anyone who marries a Muslim must convert to Islam. There are also laws in

                 Malaysia that forbid non-Muslims to proselytize their religion to Muslims.  All these initiatives
                 within these religions, as well as the lack of similar measures from TCR are causing the

                 increase in conversions out of TCR. In this context, TCR organizations (associations and
                 temples)  will  have  to  reconsider  the  need  to  take  more  proactive  measures  that  would
                 counter the declining number of those who practice TCR.

                        Besides  the  micro  and  macro  systems,  an  individual  is  also  affected  by  the

                 occurrence that happens in his meso system. His meso system is shaped by his interactions
                 with the various components of his micro and macro systems. For instance, if his family is
                 not practicing TCR and his peers are encouraging him to embrace Christianity, and there is

                 no restriction or attempt from the TCR institutions to stop him, it is highly likely that he will
                 convert. Westernization, modernization and urbanization are also causing the Chinese to
                 reflect on their spiritual needs. These changes are causing the Chinese all over the world to

                 become  individualistic  and  eventually  less  attached  to  their  community’s  traditions  and
                 collective cultural traits. They will consider their religiosity as a private matter. At the same,

                 matters  related  to  religion  are  less  prioritized  especially  when  they  have  to  mitigate  the
                 challenges  posted  by  the  modern  economy  on  them.  Pragmatism  takes  over.  Many
                 traditional religious values and practices have to be abandoned or simplified since they have

                 to  deal  with  everyday  bread  and  butter  issues.  As  a  result,  Chinese  families  and  other
                 institutions  at  the  micro  level  are  no  longer  able  to  perform  their  cultural  and  religious

                 identities’ effectively. At the same time, the act of converting to other religions, particularly
                 Christianity, is their way of expressing that they have changed and are adapting to a western-
                 modern culture. It is the outcome of “intellectualization” of religion. Again, Chinese people all

                 over the world are experiencing this phenomenon, including the Malaysian Chinese. In this
                 context,  the  Chinese  are  becoming  “receptive”  to  other  religions.  Hall  (2006)  highlighted
                 receptivity as one of the main factors that are causing the Chinese to convert to Christianity.

                 1.4 The Research

                 Based on these reports, the decline of TCR is impending. Besides the technical factor (i.e.,

                 misreporting  and  misunderstanding  of  traditional  Chinese  religions  by  the  Malaysian
                 authorities),  conversion  is  the  only  other  factor  behind  this  phenomenon.  Therefore,  to
                 understand the decline, efforts to analyse the factors that contribute to the conversion must

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