Page 22 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 22

be made. This research is of the view that conversion out of TCR for Chinese Malaysians to
                 other religions or to become atheists are caused by multiple micro, meso and macro factors

                 that  are  shaping  the  Chinese  social  eco-systems.  At  the  micro  level,  traditional  Chinese
                 religions failed to attract some Chinese Malaysians due to the fact that the religions could no
                 longer  satisfy  their  quest  for  spiritual  guidance.  Family  and  other  social  institutions  are

                 becoming more receptive to non-TCR. The decline could also be caused by the development
                 of scientific, modern and westernized worldviews. Meanwhile, at the institutional level, some

                 TCR  organisations  such  as  temples  are  not  adapting  to  current  needs.  Many  of  these
                 organizations are relatively passive in promoting TCR. It is also possible that they do not
                 have sufficient financial as well as human resources for promotional initiatives.

                        In order to confirm whether these factors are causing TCR to decline, the research

                 that  was  carried  out  throughout  2021  and  2022  tried  to  answer  the  following  research
                 questions and objectives:

                 Research questions

                    1.  How do Malaysian Chinese perceive TCR?
                    2.  What are the reasons that have caused some Chinese to convert to non-TCR?
                    3.  How do TCR institutions/leaders deal with changes in the perceptions of the Chinese
                        towards TCR?

                 Research objectives

                    1.  To elaborate on the views of Malaysian Chinese on TCR.
                    2.  To analyse the reasons behind Malaysian Chinese’s religious conversion.
                    3.  To explore how religious institutions/leaders deal with changing perceptions among
                        the Chinese towards TCR.

                 1.5 Carrying Out the Research

                 In order to answer the above research questions and achieve the objectives, both qualitative
                 as well as quantitative approaches have been used to collect the relevant data. This design
                 is used to examine data that requires more in-depth discussions and to validate the data that

                 has been collected on a group of respondents. In general, this research is divided into four
                 sections. The sections are:

                 Section 1

                 This section focuses on Malaysian Chinese who have not converted and are still practicing
                 TCR. This section investigates their perceptions towards religion and TCR. This section also

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