Page 76 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 76

4.7 Different Modus Operandi of Different Religious Bodies

                 Further  to  the  different  perceptions  on  religious  conversion,  the  ways  in  which  different
                 religious bodies use different approaches in recruiting new members and spreading the faith

                 were highlighted by the John, Koh and Helen in the following excerpts:

                 John                            Koh                            Helen

                 “I  also  realized  that  at  the  “I  think  this  is  because  “Because Fo Guang Shan is
                 university,  Christian  groups  religions  like  Christianity  are  about  culture  and  offers
                 are     more       aggressive  more organized when it comes  different  classes  to  learn

                 compared to Buddhist ones in  to  proselytizing  people.  They  different  things  and  skills.
                 terms  of  doing  charity  work.  know how to persuade people  This  is  what  ren  jian  fo  jiao
                 Besides that, Christian groups  into  believing  in  Christianity.   ( 人 间 佛 教 ,  humanistic

                 also  know  how  to  present  For  example,  when  someone
                                                                                Buddhism is about – to learn
                 themselves    in    a   more  is  about  to  die,  Christians
                                                                                Buddha’s teachings, and we
                 interesting manner – there are  would approach him/her to talk
                                                                                are  all  human  beings,  and
                 many      activities    being  about going to heaven. People
                                                                                Buddha  was  also  a  human
                 organized at the church. They  are naturally afraid of death, so
                                                                                being  who  went  through  all
                 would  organise  singing  and  this   strategy    works.   In
                                                                                the  sufferings  before  he
                 dancing    activities   during  contrast,   Taoism    doesn’t
                                                                                found  the  true  path.  That  is
                 Sunday       service      and  attempt to convert people like
                                                                                why  Master  Hsing  Yun  is
                 sometimes  you  feel  as  if  you  Christianity.  It  lets  people
                                                                                propagating)  ren  jian  fo
                 are at a show. This approach  believe in it naturally.”
                                                                                jiao … easier for us to relate.”
                 would appeal to the youths. On

                 the  other  hand,  when  we
                 speak  of  Buddhism,  people

                 would    visualize   followers
                 reciting sutras. Buddhism and
                 Taoism,      compared       to

                 Christianity,  appear  to  be  a
                 little  boring  in  terms  of
                 presentation.  Also,  Buddhism

                 and  Taoism  don’t  focus  on
                 ‘converting’   people,   unlike


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