Page 14 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 14

       Tips for Effective Planning
1) Start the planning process early, ideally the three-month period
before the start of the new school year This will ensure that you have enough time to get all your ducks in a row
2) Use a flexible planning mechanism; Post-it® notes works very well as
they are repositionable and continue to stick even after they have been repositioned a few times
You can never have too many Post-its Here are some Post-it® tips you can use for your planner:
• Use Post-Its to sequence your activities; they are easy to shift around when in planning mode
• Colour code different activities. Summative assessments—blue, submission deadlines for drafts—pink, latest activity start dates—green. Choose whichever colours you like!
• Sometimes we need to change our plans. Post-Its are perfect for this! 3) Ensure that you plan for the following:
a) Preliminary meeting to set goals and review Roadmap to SBA Success.
b) Brainstorming
c) Progress review sessions (at end of Activities 2, 5, 7 and 9)
d) Review of Plan of Investigation drafts
e) Assessment interviews
f) Supervision of sessions to write Reflection entries
g) Review of Reflection entries
h) Oral presentations
i) Marking completed portfolio
j) Filling in cover sheets
k) Recording scores on summary sheets (in preparation for entry in ORS)
    My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide

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