Page 15 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 15
Preliminary Goal Setting
Brainstorming Session
(2nd class)
Individual Participation 1st interviews begin
Week 6
Deadline to complete giving feedback Written Reports
Review Plans for Oral Presentation
Deadline to submit group list and topic for approval.
Deadline to complete giving feedback on 1st Reflection entries
Progress review and next steps
(after all groups established)
Progress review and next steps
(after all feedback given on 1st Reflection entries)
Individual Participation 2nd interviews begin
** Term 2 **
Assess completed Portfolios
Weeks 18-20
Week 1
** 1st SBA class in Term 1**
Deadline to submit Plans of Investigation for initial assessment
Deadline to complete giving feedback on 2nd Reflection entries
Deadline to complete giving feedback on
3rd Reflection entries
Group Participation interviews begin
Week 12
Assess Oral Presentations
Figure 5. An example of a macro plan using Post-It notes.
Section 2: The Action Plan