Page 44 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 44
Glossary of Assessment Terms
Analytic rubric
An analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a student product listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across the top row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags The cells within the centre of the rubric may be left blank or may contain de- scriptions of what the specified criteria look like for each level of performance. When scoring with an analytic rubric each of the criteria is scored individually
The means by which a student is able to gauge at each stage of the course how he or she is going in terms of the knowledge, understanding, and skills that will determine his or her result in the course
Formative assessment
Assessing student’s skills for the purpose of planning instruction for those students Formative assessment is done before instruction begins and/or while it is taking place
A systematic collection of materials selected to demonstrate a person’s level of knowledge, skill or ability in a particular area Portfolios can include written documents (written by the person being evaluated and others), photos, drawings, audio or video recordings, and other media Often the types of documents and other media to be provided are specified in detail.
A set of rules for scoring the responses on a constructed-response test (one in which the test-taker writes the response instead of choosing it from a list of supplied responses
Semantic differential scale
a pair of adjectives are used to provide connections with feelings, beliefs and opinions that can be measured by degrees of agreement that show both opposite directions and intensity
The second stage in the development of a group, characterized by conflict and competition; such issues can relate to things like the group’s tasks, individual roles and responsibilities or even with the group members themselves
My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide