Page 19 - MUGLA_SEYAHATI-ENG1.indd
P. 19
Halicarnassus, established by the Dorians according to
the famous historian Herodotus of Bodrum, was one of the
most important centres of Caria civilizations. Entering un-
der the rule of Dorians, Persians and Athenians and again
of Persians respectively, Halicarnassus was then ruled by
Alexander the Great, Romans, Byzantine, Seljuks, Menteşe
Dynasty and Ottoman Empire. Knights of Rhodes occupied
this territory in 1404 and they constructed St. Peter Castle.
Suleiman the Magnificent conquered Bodrum (Halicarnas-
sus) and Rhodes from Knights of Rhodes in 1523 and estab-
lished the domination of Ottoman Empire again. Knights of
St. Petrium, among the founders of Bodrum Castle, used
the stones of Mausoleum that was devastated in an earth-
quake, as construction materials of St. Peter Castle. When
you visit Bodrum Castle, you will travel back in time from
Mausoleum’s traces to other ancient civilizations.
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Bodrum Castle
Becoming the symbol of the town,
Bodrum Castle is one of the favourite
tracks of history and culture lovers.
The castle was an island; however, it
converted into a peninsula by being
connected to the mainland in time.
A Journey to Muğla 17