Page 21 - Letter to My Father Curriculums_Neat2
P. 21


Idea:  Teacher choose a section of Martin Luther’s King Letter from a Birmingham Jail for
       student’s to read, then have class answer the following questions (teacher can make up
       their own) listed below.

Some questions to consider while doing this assignment:

    • What is the tone of this letter (angry, sad, hopeful, joyous, etc.)? How do you know?
    • Dr. King wrote this letter to influence change in the South. Do you think he achieved his

    • Who were the recipients of this letter?
    • What speaks louder to you – Dr. King words or the voice he uses to express himself in

         the letter?
    • How does voice in writing influence what we have to say?

Purpose: To associate letter writing with history while demonstrating the importance of tone
           voice usage, and the power of personal thoughts.

Creative thinking/writing

Idea:  Student should imagine that they are a painting hanging on the wall. Where is the wall
       located? What is the caption under their painting? What are people saying about your


Idea: Imagine yourself 20 years older. Write a letter to yourself, giving yourself advice,
         comfort, and/or warnings.

Some suggested discussion questions –

    • How do you feel about yourself?
    • Who influences your impression of yourself?
    • Can you control where your life is going? What is helping you? What is blocking you?
    • Are you making positive choices?

Purpose: To help students begin to view how they see themselves and how they think others
           view them.

Creative Thinking/Writing/Group Dynamics/Media Arts

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