Page 33 - Letter to My Father Curriculums_Neat2
P. 33

for the huge sum of money you received as pension and employee shares for all your years of work. You
did not need six months before it was all gone. The guys you hung with duped you. Come on Matthew
Stone, that was outrageous! You had the opportunity to invest in your children’s future or open a real
business that makes sense and have the potential to produce profit for you into your later years; instead
you allowed your bizarre self to get in the way of a more stable Matthew. This is screamingly insane with
a tinge of laughter that is certainly no laughing matter. How about some fatherly support of your
children; how about saying to your kids – this is a start toward your college education; how about
acknowledging I failed to be there in your early life but now I have an opportunity to not just be a daddy
but to establish a legacy by putting my kids in a wealthy place and to show that I am serious about their
destiny. No relationship, no mentoring, no financial support, nothing, only talk and talk and more talk
and less action. You planted seed for the birth of nine children, but allow us to grow wild without your
loving tending and care. I think I earned the right to be angry with your stupidity. Father, you were given
an opportunity to correct the mistakes of your youth and you walked away not just once but again and
again and counting. It’s puzzling that you, like so many other delinquent fathers can have kids of such
awesomeness, a direct expression of God’s creative genius and you are less motivated to be a man. Even
so, your kids walk around with the same arrogance you entertained throughout your life. You are the
man of our lives; it is your responsibility to lead us, to mentor your children especially your young men. I
don’t mean to hammer you but we need to address these concerns. Do you know anything about
generational curse? These are the sins of our parents and their parents that bear fruit in the lives of our
children. These fruits are not sweet and juicy, they are more often than not – sour; they are after all

The reckless abandonment of parents can destroy a child’s spirit, some temporarily, and others for a
long, long time. Even now as I think back, your resurrection was like turning on the television and seeing
the image of your life on fast forward or having someone jump at you from behind the bushes. I wasn’t
even searching for a father nor was I questioning your existence. I was a teaspoon of fatherless and an
ocean of mother-full happiness. You brought your jealous rage to poison my joy. It was your choice, your
youthful exuberance became your weakness, became my hurt, our disappointment. Now I see you as a
stranger but I’m an adult now and I can appreciate that you are my father. We never became a part of
each other as I now know I am a part of your flesh and blood.

It is shameful not to have a legacy of my father. I am sure you have been through some hurting times
when the woman you lived with left you and the kids and migrated. I do not know all the details but I
hope you have both made peace with each other. Since my brother Omari died a few years ago, I never
had the opportunity to express the sadness and shock I felt. I was here in the United States and was
unable to return home to share in that time of grief with everyone. He was truly an angel of God in the
earth. It angered me so deeply to hear of his death, I pray that you two found peace throughout the
years. Father, the father of my seed, you are needed. The world is lonely without you. I need you!

Honestly, over the years our communication has been so sporadic that I still do not know you as a man,
nor as a father. So if you don’t mind, I will continue this letter with the name I knew you by – Matthew.

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