Page 13 - Lem
P. 13

“That is a very good idea,” Eagle agreed.

        Eagle and Snake started falling down while

        turning and turning as if they were dead. Then

        they fell on the grass.

        Within a short time, Hare appeared. He started

        laughing, “Ha ha ha ha! I’ve got you! All these

        cows and sheep are now mine. Ha ha ha ha!”

 “What!” Eagle too was shocked to hear that.

 “Yes. When I saw you, I too thought now you

 have come to eat me. So, I was ready to bite you

 before you eat me.”

 “Mmh!  So, Hare has  tricked us!”  Eagle said


 “I have an idea,” Snake said.

 “What is it about?” Eagle asked.

 “Let’s go back to the ground and pretend we are

 dead. I know Hare will soon appear. I am sure,

 even now he is watching us.”

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