Page 8 - Number 4
P. 8

Week 1


                    Hardship                         Camouflage
                        苦                                 伪装

                    Contrary                            Phobia
                       相反                               恐怖症

        Ever  since  Mr.  Lee  lost  his  job  he  has  been  going
        through a lot of hardship as he has very little money.

        There is hardship in that area owing to the lack of jobs.

        The  moths  uses  camouflage  to  blend  into  the
        background so not to be seen by predators.  He was

        trying to camouflage the true results in the company’s

        On  the  contrary  I  could  not  agree  with  more  than

        what  he  has  said.    Contrary  to  public  opinion,  the

        government is doing well.

        Mrs. Fing has a real phobia about spiders, she hates

        them.  His phobia about snakes is quite real as he was
        bitten by one several years ago.

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