Page 11 - Pragyaan
P. 11

Team Work    “A Key to Future Leaders ”

        “ Unity is strength…when there is teamwork
        and collaboration, wonderful things can be
        achieved.”  ― Mattie Stepanek

        This is evident from ancient times and super relevant in this era of digital world,
         where we see the quick group formations on social media and in our class room
        based on the common habits, ambitions, goals and so on.
        A team or group always has common goal, good or bad, based on the ambitions. In common
        language we call them as team goal. These goals are set by either with consensus or leader.
        In 90% of the cases the leaders initiate the team formation with a vision, goal or motive and he
        or she provides the direction to the team and organizes everything for successful achievement
        of goals. But a leader alone can’t make everything possible in achieving the goals and the
        leader also has to work along with the team to “Lead by Example “and motivate the team
        throughout the journey.
        The team work starts from home, neighborhood, classroom or your workplace. Students keep
        showing their abilities as a leader or team player throughout their schooling times and in
        various walks of life.
        A leader’s primary ability in the beginning is judged in the workplace as a team player and as
        a leader depending on the readiness. This readiness or leading the team comes only from team
        The students have golden chance to crop up and be ready for the future as a leader by
        demonstrating the team player ability because they have all in the good school environment
        what it needs for.
        But a million-dollar question is that how can you become a good team player. The first step
        towards being a good team player is “Being Empathetic “. Where you either understand or try
        to understand others with harmonious thoughtfulness, putting yourself in other’s shoes.
        The second most important trait is trust relationship being in team as leader or team player.
        The trust works magically in families, society, nation and all organization as a best synergy for
        moving forward. Trust enforces the commitment, and commitment in turn enforces the clear
        All the capabilities are useless if the team player doesn’t have the ability to express himself or
        herself in a right way. And the best creativity ideas are depicted only by words first, either
        verbal or in written.
        The third most important aspect for all students of all ages to become a team player is
        “adaptability and understanding all team members for their strengths and weakness and thus
        compete with healthy mind-set.
        This great practice of being a team player eventually and automatically transforms a person in
        a good leader when his or her team wins and the heap of learnings is all around there to move
        forward with the great confidence in society, service, business or in the service of the nation.
        So students “ Time is now ”. Let’s discover a good team player and leader amongst ourselves
        because“ Together we can “ .
                                                    Dr. Jyoti Sharma
                                                                         Vice Principal
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